You see a large Wolf running through a meadow. She romps and plays in the long grass, chasing the last butterflys of the season. The air is warm, but there is a sharp tang of fall in the air, and a feel of being high up in the mountains. Bushes full of red berries and scrubby stands of sumac trees surround the meadow. Farther on, you see ancient, huge pine trees and great gnarled oaks, and a few fragmentary glimpses of small meadows like this one, and stands of small trees. The Wolf looks at you in an almost human way, and you know she wants you to follow her. She wags her long bushy tail, gives a backward glance your way, and trots off toward the far side of the meadow. You follow her into the woods. The sudden transition from the sunny meadow to the dark forest chills you. You stand under the shadows of the trees for a bit and let your eyes adjust to the deep shadows. Here it is a mixture of light and dark, bright sunlight streams through the leaves, making bright patches on the forest floor. Sunbeams marked with sparkling dust stream down through the canopy of dark leaves. You inhale and notice the cool, humid musty air. A thousand smells assault your nose, rotting wood, the sweet smell of wild strawberrys and the fruits of fall, the sharp, bitter scent of wild spearmint, and yet many more green leafy smells of unidentified wild herbs. You see a number of huge, broken rocks scattered here and there, many larger than you are tall. All are weathered and capped with thick, deep green moss. You think about how nice it would be to climb up one and sit there on the moss, savoring the upper breezes that waft through the treetops. Then you hear the Wolf make several whuffing sounds, and with great diffucultly, see her twenty yards in front of you. Her back is speckled with dark leaf shadows that bob and sway with the breeze. She seems a silver-grey shadow, something the almost vanishes if you don't look hard. She is standing at the start of a narrow, winding pathe of well-packed yellow earth. She whuffs again, and trotts away with the flowing movements of a cat. You follow her down the path, keeping track of her in the bright shadows by watching the tip of her tail, which she holds high and bobs up and down. She leads you through many small meadows, stands of slender shivering aspen, scrubby brushland, and even a little swamp. You catch glimpses of snow through the trees sometimes. The path winds and winds, seeming to go upslope more than down.The landscape seems to be very hilly in a disorientating way. You catch glimpses of huge rocks jutting through the hillside, forming small cliffs, tiny waterfalls of very clear water, and every so often a mountain, blue and hazy with distance. The wind begins to blow furiously in the meadows you cross, and makes the tree tops toss while you are in the woods. You top a rise, following the yellow path to the top of a tree-bare knoll. The Wolf is there waiting for you. You look around, and see you are indeed high up the side of a mountain. You can see several huge valleys down below, verdant and super-green, looking more like miniature fairy-valleys than real valleys far away. The air is very clear, and tingles as it does just before or after a storm. You look farther down the path and see an ancient-looking stone fence zigzagging down the mountain sides. It encloses an almost-hidden tear-drop shaped valley, the kind that is carved out by long-gone small glaciers. You look at the Wolf at your side, and see her long thick fur being furiously ruffled by the strong wind, pulled, swirled, and whipped back and forth as if tiny invisible hands were playing with the fur. Suddenly, you wonder what that would feel like. Then you wonder what your journey through the forest would have felt like if you had been a Wolf, smelling and feeling with a Wolf's senses, moving effortlessly with it's sinuous catlike grace. The Wolf looks at you and you feel her catching your thoughts. She seems to smile, then bounds away down the path, towards a gate in the ancient stone fence. You follow her, breathing hard just to keep up. At the gate, you stop, and read words wrought into the metal.
"Werewolf and ShapeShifter Haven"
You turn to the Wolf, and see her pulling some clothing out from under a bush. Her flesh begins to crawl over her bones as she slips into the clothes. In a little while she is a tomboy-ish looking woman wearing jeans and a plain T-shirt. Her eyes, while no longer yellow, are still a Wolf's eyes, and her smile is a Wolf's smile. She says "My name is SilverStone. Do you want to meet the others?". She walks through the gates, and you see other shapes moving in the shadows and in the trees. She turns around and becons you to follow.
Click here if you decide to follow her and find out about WereCreatures in real life.
here if you turn aside and instead decide to
enter The Animal Sanctuary.
here if you instead decide to teleport to
the magical, fictional world of Furrydom.